Tiered Assignments Defined...
a readiness-based approach designed to help all learners work with the same essential information, ideas, and skills, yet still be challenged at varying levels on which they are individually capable of working
Criteria for Effective Tiering
- All tasks are focused on the same essential information, concepts, and skills
- All tasks require a high level of thinking
- All tasks are equally engaging
- In order to form groups, think in terms of whether students are “lower readiness,” “middle readiness,” or “higher readiness” relative to their achievement and ability in the content or skill.
- Optimally, a tiered task is neither too simple so that it leads to boredom nor too difficult so that it results in frustration.
How to Tier an Assignment...
- Decide on the skill or information to be practiced or learned.
- Develop at least three different activities or variations of the same activity.
- Decide on the complexity of the skill for each group. Be sure to promote higher level thinking in each group.
- Divide students into two, three or four groups based on readiness for the material, skills or concepts being taught.
- Assign student groups using colors, shapes, numbers or titles.
- Provide teacher support for each group.
An Economics Activity Designed for 4th Graders After Studying Supply and Demand
TSW apply the concept of supply and demand by creating or analyzing a scenario.
Lead a review discussion on supply and demand, asking students to define each. Explain that students will do three different activities today.
Lower Readiness-The news reports that a category 8 hurricane in Florida destroys a lot of oranges. Show in pictures and words what would happen to prices. What other products besides oranges would be affected and how?
Middle Readiness-A new scientific study has determined that 3 servings of donuts will decrease heart disease. Explain in writing what will happen to the price of donuts and why. Describe what other effects could this have. You may use illustrations or diagrams as well.
Higher Readiness-Create a news story that illustrates increase in supply or demand.
Have students come back together and report on their scenarios.
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