Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Extra M25 Explorations

During the first two Extra M25 sessions of the nine weeks, I read the students a funny and interesting story called Woolbur Goes to School. They thought it was as funny as I do; however, some of the students could identify with be a "Woolbur." You see, Woolbur doesn't always do things like everyone else does. He is creative and comfortable with the talents he has. We had a good discussion about each of us being who God made us to be and appreciating the talents we each have. In order to help the students also recognize the talents God has given others, they had to "interview" someone else in the group and create an illustration showing all about that person. Then, the students "introduced" one another. This collage of precious pictures will remain on the wall outside my classroom throughout the year!

Are You A Square? The next sessions brought measuring activities in which the students predicted the relationship of their wing span to their height. They proved to either be squares, long rectangles or wide rectangles. Can you predict which one most of the students were? We made a graph to show it!

5th and 6th graders explored the art of Claude Monet during one session. As we have talked a lot about cycles and cyclic patterns of change in LAX, small groups of students were assigned a particular series of Monet's paintings and were asked to identify cycles and patterns in them. They recorded these on the board, and we were able to compare. Finally, the students voted on which series was their favorite.

2nd, 3rd and 4th graders did their own measuring activity with bears! They not only predicted and measured stuffed bears, but they also measure each other using the bears as the unit! This was a really fun estimating and data collection activity.

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